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August 1, 2009
Boy or Girl?

So in my last update, I wrote about how I found an ad for a home gender test kit in a pregnancy magazine at the doctor's office.  Curiosity got the better of us and, on the way home, we stopped at Walgreen's and parted with our $25 in exchange for the gender test.  I took the test on Friday morning. 

The ad in the magazine advertised a 90% accuracy rate.  The instructions in the box, however, cautioned that the actual "at home" accuracy rate was only 82% due to people not properly following instructions.  Now I know that 82% is only 32% higher than a coin flip, and certainly not conclusive, but it was still kinda fun.

Here are the sample results from the test web site.  The sample results demonstrate that, if the liquid in the plastic container turns a color on the spectrum from light yellow to dark orange, your result is GIRL.  If the liquid in the plastic container turns a color on the spectrum from light green to dark green, the result is BOY.

Sample Girl Results (from test kit's website):

Sample Boy Results (from the test kit's website):

And finally, here is a photo of MY test result:

As you can see, my test turned a very dark green -- the far end of the BOY spectrum.  So, according to Walgreen's home gender test, we will unequivocally be having a baby BOY.

All of this being said, I told Clea about the test (she has a lot more medical background than I do).  She says that she suspects it works based upon the amount of testosterone in your system.  Any woman can have variable levels of testosterone at any time.  The bottom line is that we shouldn't run out and start purchasing little boy clothes yet.  I don't plan to do that, but it will still be fun to see (in about 8 more weeks) whether the test is correct, or whether my woman's intuition is correct (I have been having a feeling that the baby is a GIRL).

Until then . . . . patience.

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